sic-aparaturaAs the research-developmentalcompany we aredesigning and we aredrawingnewreleasesup by specialrequest of customers. The laboratory for researchwhich we haveatitsdisposalenables to solvecomplextechnologicalissues. Using the richknowledge of employees of technicaluniversities and researchinstitutes, as well as from ownexperience, we areconductingnumerouslaboratorytestsbeingaimedat a realization of latestdrafts. Ourresearch-developmentalactivityisresistingthemaboveall on the cooperation with the Rzeszów technicaluniversity. of Ignacy Łukasiewicz. We werealso on a project Podkarpacki Chemical Platform which was aimedat developing the interactionbetween the engineering staff of anindustrialplants, but researchers of the Rzeszów technicaluniversity for them.

2018 SIC